Life Science

Science applied to life

Get to know topics from the life science area in an industrial context as a cross-sectional topic between natural and engineering sciences!


Tissue Engineering

The Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC is to hold a seminar on Tissue Engineering in cooperation with the Chair of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM) at the University Hospital of Würzburg. The three-day event will provide a comprehensive overview of the basics of 3D cell culture for tissue engineering – in terms of both the biology and materials science.  


Interdisciplinary Treatment of Amputee Patients

Caring for patients with an amputation is complex and requires a network of specialists. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides 20-minute videos in which you can learn more about the relevant professions and their associated education paths. Specialists from all over the world will demonstrate what good cooperation between the various professions in treatment centres could look like.


Advanced RNA Methods & Applications

Join our two-day workshop, "Advanced RNA Methods & Applications" to learn RNA-based therapeutic strategies. Featuring lectures and practical sessions, you'll master RNA biochemistry, LNP technology, bioinformatic modeling, in vitro transcription, RNA purification, and particle production techniques. Learn to optimize RNA targets, package them into lipid nanoparticles, apply transfection techniques, and assess transfection efficiency.